Affordable Housing
Jun 06, 2022
Sheryl Klein, COO, Alta Housing
Affordable Housing
Sheryl Klein is the COO of Alta Housing, a community-based non-profit that builds and manages affordable housing in Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties. Alta Housing manages 1,000 units of affordable housing and a pipeline of 450 units. Sheryl has been involved with Alta and its predecessor, Palo Alto Housing since 2015, first serving on its Board of Directors before joining the staff in 2020. In addition, Sheryl is currently the co-chair of the City of Palo Alto's Housing Element Working Group. She also sits on the Boards of the Palo Alto Community Fund, Palo Alto Farmer's Market and Palo Alto Forward.
Sheryl will be sharing her thoughts about building affordable housing in Silicon Valley and the steps we can take to tackle the housing crisis.
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