Richard D. King Annual Youth Speech Contest

"2019 Winner and Rotary Crew"
2022 Annual Speech Contest Information:
CALLING ALL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS in Palo Alto to register to participate in the annual speech contest to increase your LEADERSHIP and PUBLIC SPEAKING skills.
Win money, surprise gifts, certificate and place the triumph of your college application!
The speech contest begins at the local level then moves on to district and regional levels, all of which are in Silicon Valley. Top winner could earn $1,550.
Level | 2022 Dates | Prizes |
Club | TBD | 1st - $100, 2nd - $50, 3rd - $25 |
Area | 1st - $200, 2nd - $100 | |
Regional | Top Two Finalists - $250/each | |
District | 1st - $1,000, 2nd - $600, 3rd & 4th - $300/each |
Speech Theme: choose any topic you feel is timely and of interest, as long as the content of the speech relates to the 2021 Rotary International theme of “Serve to Change Lives” and incorporates at least one of the principles of the Rotary 4-Way Test: of the things we think, say or do:
- Is it the TRUTH?
- Is it FAIR to all concerned?
- Will it build GOODWILL and better FRIENDSHIPS?
- Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
Speech Rules: Contestants will be timed, and the speech should be between 4 to 5 minutes. Contestant shall not use props, displays or prompters of any kind. Notes may be used only if they are on one 3” by 5” card.
Registration: please contact